not just a nurse

Hi friends. Here is a lovely post I’d like to share with you all. It’s written by a fellow nurse about nursing and the fact that nurses are not just nurses.
Very eloquent. Love it.

I recently switched over to the night shift at work, and I’m still working on balancing my life while being up all night… and that’s one of the major reasons why I haven’t been blogging much recently. Stay tuned because I have some fun posts forthcoming.

Talk soon.

xo, lw

on the bandwagon

Let’s talk about nutrition today, shall we? Everybody and their mother has an opinion about nutrition. It’s overwhelming and frankly it can be quite annoying when people push their beliefs on you, especially when there is no scientific basis.

Here is my motto that I am sharing ((not pushing)) with you. You are what you eat. Eat crap and you feel like crap. Eat naturally and you feel your best. And then there are people who eat fast food for every meal, feel amazing and live well into their nineties. That’s what we call an anomaly, folks.

I also like to tell myself if it wasn’t food 200 years ago, then it’s not food now. Put down the deep-fried twinkie. If you know me, then you know I love licorice. Were Twizzlers around in the 1800s?


A couple of years ago, I use to give Lu a hard time for jumping on the Paleo bandwagon. Eat like a caveman? Who would want to do that when we have modern agriculture? You’re telling me a caveman would have turned town a cheese danish? I don’t think so. Plus the life expectancy of a caveman was probably around 30-something, and I’m looking to live three times that. It’s not a caveman’s life for me…

Or could it be? Here is the unexpected twist in this story. Lu and I are going Paleo. Yep, the hater has turned into the hated. As much as I dislike restricting certain things in my diet, I love the concept of eating food from the earth. Nothing processed. Ok, only a little something processed. We are making an addendum to include oatmeal and quinoa because this girl can’t go without either. Perhaps I should have said we are going Paleo-ish. Any true Paleo people out there will immediately call us frauds for adding a couple of grains into the diet. Haters gonna hate.

I don’t usually set limits on my eats (Oh, except for here and here… I’m a serial offender). But why not give this a try? It can’t hurt.

For those who don’t know, the Paleo diet consists of fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, diary products, refined salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. I hardly eat red meat so it’ll be chicken and pork for me.

You may be asking if there is a motive behind this madness. Or you likely don’t care. I’ve mentioned a couple times on this blog that I want to follow an eating plan during marathon training this year and the Paleo-ish diet is what I’ve selected. I’m not guaranteeing perfection from now until October but my plan is to stick with it as much as possible and see how I feel. I like how Paleo focuses on protein intake because that is what I am usually lacking and what my muscles need to recover. Don’t worry, I will still be able to carb load before long runs with the quinoa and oatmeal. And I’ll still take sugar fuel on long runs because running twenty miles without some pick-me-up is just downright wrong.


Anybody out there following a Paleo-ish diet? Anybody want to jump on the bandwagon with me?! There are some hardcore advocates of this thing. What are you guys up to today? I’m purchasing a new pair of Pure Flow 2s later and I’m excited to see how they compare to the original Pure Flows. Hope you all have a great Thursday. Make it a good one.

xo, lw